Mittwoch, 8. März 2023

Das Mittwochslied


" God wins (and you lose)" Ein Lied von und mit Sanjin Đumišić

Video enthält Szenen aus dem Film "Tausendschönchen" von Věra Chytilová (1966)



 God wins and you lose, God wins and you lose Don't try so hard, to get it done. God walks in your shoes, God walks in your shoes Don't run, to get it done. God ain't busy with you, God ain't so busy with you Don't waste your time, to get it done. God rides the back of a frog, God rides the back of a frog Don't be a prince, to get it done. God sings, and you mumble, God sings, and you mumble Shut up! To get it done.

 -  Sanjin Đumišić -

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