Dienstag, 1. November 2016

Perfect world

I will always remember the way you’d laugh & clap your hands watching us play & then later, before bed, you’d gather us in your arms & whisper, Have you ever seen a world so perfect?

- storypeople -

9 Kommentare:

  1. You're always so creative, Mascha.
    Thanks for joining up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/10/guess-where-i-went.html

  2. Mascha, things look perfect to me! I love your creative look at things, a true treasure. Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you back again.

  3. Lots of creativity, a wonderful quote so well related; also, an amazing huge tree in autumn and all of these in a superb collection of photos and aspects!
    Best regards and a very good week, too! Greetings in autumn!

  4. Your collages are just perfect to admire.
    Happy PPF xx

  5. Very interesting collages! Super photos too :)

  6. Masha this is a beautiful post. Love the story and all of the art.

  7. What a beautiful way to look at the world because there is so much that is worthy.
    Beautiful work!


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