Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

Around a lovely pond

My city is so far away from any water, I often regret.
There's no lake for swimming nearby and not a big river...
Through the city flow two small creek, but it is difficult to take good photos of them.
There are no waves, no beaches ...
But this small pond in a park is very lovely.
Here I dwelloften and with pleasure.

The pictures made on tuesday of this week.
My town is Wernigerode, Germany

27 Kommentare:

  1. Herrlich!
    Wirkt sehr idyllisch.

    Liebi Grüessli

  2. These sure are beautiful! Being around water is so relaxing! Glad you found this spot!

  3. Looks like you have a wonderful Tuesday, these photos are lovely! I hope you the rest of your week was as joyful!
    Wren x

  4. Thank you for sharing so much beauty, Maschas

  5. Mascha, this pond is indeed very beautiful! And your images truly reflect its intricate beauty. I love water and was dreaming about living near "big water" when I was still in Russia. A few first years in America were far away from water, though we had rivers and lakes, and even Great Lakes in Michigan which are truly great - you can't see the other side... But my soul found home only when we finally landed on the beach of Puget Sound... And even though I love visiting ocean, my heart feels at home here, in its quiet and ever changing beauty, with clouds reflections in every window...

  6. Ein wunderwunderschöner Platz ist das, liebe Mascha, schön und entspannend - und die Fotos davon ein Traum!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  7. With this beautiful series, you are surely counting your blessings.

  8. You are lucky to have such a lovely spot to relax in your city. It is a beautiful place.

  9. What lovely scenery.

  10. Ja, ja, ich liebe die Region, in der ich lebe auch. Aber wenn ich mir etwas wünschen dürfte, dann wäre es auch ein Meer oder wenistens ein ganz großer Fluss mit Strand (wie z.B. die Elbe bei Hamburg). Ich wohne so ziemlich im geografischen Zentrum Europas - von dort aus ist es IMMER weit zum nächsten Meeresstrand, egal ob Ost- oder Nordsee, egal ob Mittelmeer oder sonst ein Ozean. Bis sich der Meeresspiegel signifikant gehoben hat und die Küstenlinie nicht bis in den Norden Baden-Württmenbergs vorgedrungen ist, muss ich halt immer wieder die 700 - 800 km fahren, um an einen schönen Strand zu kommen... ;-)
    Aber es lohnt sich immer wieder aufs Neue!
    Gruß aus der Mitte Europas,

  11. Your wonderful photos reflect the peacefulness of this pond.

  12. It doesn't matter that you have no beaches; you've more than made up for that by sharing these gem-like images of parks and ponds. Beautiful.

  13. A little water, gorgeous, so lovely!!

  14. oh, Mascha, this pond is lovely and I imagine that its surroundings are serene! I would love to dwell close to it.

  15. Lovely scenery and great reflections!

  16. Water is so peaceful and relaxing ... your pictures capture all of the tranquility in your little, beautiful pond. You really don't need more than this to enjoy the water ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. Tolle Aufnahmen aus einer tollen Stadt!

  18. So glad to find out that you enjoyed the Black Sea and I believe that it's amazing on every neighbour seashore!! Your reflections of the pond in Wernigerode and pictures are amazing like always in every post!! Many thanks for sharing them and Have a great weekend ahead! Alexa T

  19. Lovely reflections! Wish you a happy weekend!

  20. A magic pond you show us! Water is important. I live next to a river, and a short walk from the sea and a lake the opposite direction. I feel lucky :-)

  21. Wunderwunderschöne Spiegelungen! Da kann man sich gar nicht sattsehen! Ich liebe das, wenn der Himmel ins Wasser fällt! ;)

  22. You did a great job photographing this beautiful place. We all have to use what is around us for each theme and you are right on.


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