Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014


Mails is the theme of this week at Our Beautiful World.
I like it very much to get mails.
They are for me a joy and a connection to the nearer and wider world, which I otherwise often miss...
An email is fast like the wind...and it is to pay no postage.
That speaks for it.
But much more I love to write and receive real letters, written by the hand.
It is a wonderful experience, to open the envelope and feel the paper.
To see the handwriting ... like a picture.
And sometimes even smell the fragrance of the wide world.
This is a especially joy and a big surprise for me.

I like to read and to write letters on beautiful placse.
It's as may flow some of the beauty of the surroundings and the mood of the day into the letter.
It's so by reading and by writing.
This is again an wonderful enrichment and I save some letters, to them to read them again in a beautiful surrounding...

A big mail-package with amazing giveways I've got from my bloggerfriend Claire.

... and other mails, that I have saved

Once I made ​​a little book with letters to the night.
Here are some pages

At last a song of Georges Moustaki "Le facteur" (The mailman)

7 Kommentare:

  1. i do agree with you, i cherish the beautiful haiku postcards sent to be by snail mail, i keep them securely stored. i also like to read books the old fashioned way, even though i can read them online, have a lovely Sunday. Thanks for linking up at my blog today

    much love...

  2. sehr schöner Post, den du hier festgehalten hast zum Thema "mails", vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei "Our Beautiful World"

  3. Hi Mascha....I love your 'mails' post. I too love receiving and sending letters and especially love your mail book....wonderful idea to keep memories. Your photos also are beautiful, calm and peaceful...I like to make a cup of tea and take quiet time out to read my letters from my mum. Cheers and have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing at Our Beautiful World, Robyn

  4. Wonderful photos ... nothing beats a handwritten letter does it? Thanks so much for sharing at Our Beautiful World!

  5. Your photos are beautiful. I can tell you really do love to send and receive mail. Robyn is right- these photos are so calm and peaceful while making a real connection to the heart.

  6. I love your mail post. Handwritten letters are so special. And I so love your photos, they are beautiful.

  7. Your mail post is lovely. I share your fondness for meaningful mail.


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