Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014


Baby, you are ONE 
 is the prompt oft this week at Our Beautiful World
Its a great party for the beautiful meme... and I want to join.

First birthday - which of us even has memories of it?
My only vague, blurred from this early time.
Some things they have me told later.
And today I do not even have photos more ...

Here are two old cards, happy mother, happy child.
May all babies grow up so sheltered
under good conditions and very loved.
May all mothers have a life that allows them himself,
babys to love and take good care of them -
(which is sometimes even more important -)

For "Our Beautiful World" my congratulations and those flowers.
May the meme grow and flourish and stay larger.
Many bloggers find joy in it.
So as I do. Every Sunday.

Finally, a Russian lullaby
Video shows many children, lucky and sheltered.
Beautiful song, I like it.

14 Kommentare:

  1. How sweet Macschas....lovely photos!

  2. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing the lullaby - to be honest, I have never heard it before.

  3. Wonderful cards and what a beautiful song!
    Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Our Beautiful World!

  4. beautiful flowers, such sweet vintage cards! I too wish that children grow up knowing love and protection, but reality tells us that does not happen with everyone. lovely song.

  5. I wish you had a way for me to share this with Facebook or Google. The more I've listened to this song (without knowing the words) I'd love to have it to play for my great-granddaughters!

  6. Here is the directlink to youtube

    I don't know, like share on fb, I'm not a member

  7. Hallo Mascha, sehr schöne vintage Karten, auch der Song mit den Bildern ist sehr schön! Danke für deine treue Teilnahme auf "Our Beautiful World"

  8. Adorable vintage postcards. Lovely song and pictures.

  9. Hello Mascha, beautiful old photo postcards and a lovely lullaby video. Thanks for sharing with OBW to celebrate one year, cheers Robyn

  10. Oh what a beautiful post ... Thank you for your lovely words, your photos and for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!

  11. Beautiful old baby and mother cards, thank you for sharing... Happy one year OBW to you too, thank you for joining us so faithfully from the beginning Masha!

  12. wonderful photos and lovely words!

  13. Congrats Mascha here;s my email address so you can send me your address


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