Sonntag, 1. Juni 2014


When I was younger I used to keep all the stuff I had in my pockets.
There were a lot of rocks & little shiny things.
As I got older it got to be too much to carry & I couldn't remember 
why I kept it anyway so I finally got rid of it. 
Now, I make lists.

- storypeople -

4 Kommentare:

  1. What beautiful photos and words. I love lists as well. Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Your words are poetic and your headwear magical, as always. Thanks for sharing with Hat Attack.

  3. I dont see you a lot in front of the camera. This is an amazing shoot. Nice surrounding and amazing words too =)

  4. Well, you made me smile, b/c I almost always have rocks in my pockets, even today at my old age. I have LOTS of rocks in the yard and in the house. I think of my Lord as my ROCK and this is a constant reminder. Love your photos, BTW. You made me smile. Thank you.


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