Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014


At the edge of the town is an abandoned house.
The path to the door is overgrown
No one looks more
out of the empty windows
but the magnolia in the garden
is in good flowering -
so beautiful
at the edge oft the town...

6 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha...ich sehe die Magnolienbäume gern im Frühjahr in den Gärten stehen. Im Tessin sind sie häufig anzutreffen...und es sieht toll aus.


  2. Pretty!! And your poetry is outstanding!!

  3. What a great shot. Loving everything about this!

  4. Beautiful poem! Life remains even though the house is empty. Thanks for sharing this gem.

  5. you do find the most glorious flowers! I get sad when viewing abandoned homes.


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