Montag, 23. Juni 2014

Little old factory

10 Kommentare:

  1. That is an amazing old building. I like the entry gate and those windows, and the cupola. Thanks for linking up!

  2. The red colour of these building are stunning. Here is Melbourne a lot of the houses are now going for very neutral colours, with posh names like latte or cappuccino but I miss the rich vibrant colours.
    Wren x

  3. That is wonderful, I love the shapes and the colors! Thanks for sharing them with us at WWDD :)

  4. Love the rich patina on old buildings!

  5. Beautiful old buildings! Would love to see them in person!

  6. wonderful photos and beautiful old structure...

  7. quaintly charming, thanks for sharing, have a nice Tuesday

    much love...

  8. This is just sooo cute. I love this old structure.

  9. Hmmm... I may need to take a look at this windows and doors meme. Love this old factory. So very German! :)


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