Freitag, 29. August 2014

Clean lines...

My town is old and crooked. Hard to find just clean lines here ...
In a public building I have every time a vertigo feeling, so wrong are the angles, so inclined the floors...
Even in my own house it is difficult to make furniture, because nothing is straight ... but you get used to it. It makes a house also lovely, his imperfection, his character.
Clear lines you find in modern buildings.
They are not really nice, but it depends from the angle.
On what you want to see also.

8 Kommentare:

  1. I like the reflection of the old lines, in the new! Xo jj

  2. Wonderfull arhitectuur, and shots, best regard from Belgium

  3. The first photo is striking - love how you captured the angle. And love the reflection in the last photo - the old and the new! xxxx

  4. What a great set of photos for this challenge.

  5. But you did manage to find a lot of leading lines. Thanks for linking up with Friday My Town Shoot Out!

    Mersad Donko Photography


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