Dienstag, 5. August 2014

Empty Space

After his father died he carried his life
more gently & left an empty space
for the birds & other creatures.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, that's a moody shot, for sure.


  2. A bit spooky! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Oh Mascha! The photo is amazing, but the words add so much. Thankyou. XO JJ

  4. Looks like something from a serial killer movie. I like the lighting! Great shot and the perfect quote. Thank you for linking up!

  5. Oh my...the stories this room could tell! Love photographing abandoned places like this. Fabulous capture!

  6. I love scenes like this! Great capture!

  7. A sad and heartbreaking sight that someone let behind,


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