Donnerstag, 14. August 2014

Some corners of my home

The house is old, small and twisty, but I would say that it has a soul. As modern houses do not all have ...
Here are some corners.
The main room I call library. I'm rich in books...

Here is the kitchen:

The corridor with stairs:

The upper floor has a door to the rooftop:

And the rooftop is the best!

13 Kommentare:

  1. Aha! I recognise that rooftop! It must be so amazing to have a house like this.
    We live on the one floor, but have lots of doors and windows. I see you collect blue glass like I collect green!
    Loving all the books and the stuffed toys. Also like clothes hung as art! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. I wish I could visit in person! XO JJ

  2. What a great feeling I get looking around your home. Thanks for sharing! I can tell you are wise and introspective just from these photos. Creative too.

  3. That looks like such a comfortable and interesting place to life, full of character. Great shots!

  4. This is such a delightful look into your cozy home. I agree with you about character and soul in a home. Sadly, many modern homes lack both.

  5. Beautiful corners indeed! What a cozy home!

  6. Thank you for welcoming us in! Your home is so lovely, and all those books make me smile.

  7. I love the corners of your home! It looks full of great spaces!

  8. Liebe Mascha,
    jede Menge gemütliche Ecken zum Wohlfühlen, finde ich in Deinem Haus! Wunderschön hast Du dekoriert und die kleinen Besonderheiten in Szene gesetzt. Über die Büchermenge bin ich überrascht, und welche gute Lösung Du für die Unterbringung gefunden hast. Treppenstufen sind das ideale Regal.
    Herzlichen Gruß

  9. I'm so pleased to have found our blog! Your "library" home is so unique and artful. By the way...My husband, 14 year old grandson and I are flying out to Germany TOMORROW! Munich, Berlin and Koln. Maybe I'll bump into you somewhere :-)

    1. Welcome new reader :-)
      I think not, I'm living in Harz-Montains, Saxony-Anhalt, it's not on your way (or you have enough time to visit our nice little town Wernigerode? Write and meet me - )

  10. Mascha, I am sooo glad that you posted it! I wanted to see your home long ago - I had a sense that it is very special just from a few photos that I've seen before. And it is very special! I agree that it has soul! In all the corners and twists as you say (I love that) - and in the way you decorated it! Very, very cozy and soulful. Lovely and beautiful!! I am so happy that I saw the link you shared with Shawna - and that you found Shawna. I think you girls have a lot in common. :) xxx

  11. Maschenka, do you read the blog Moon to Moon? If not, please take a look - it's wonderful, warm and very inspiring. And I think you should consider participating in this "My Nest" project, write to Gabi about your lovely home!


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