Sonntag, 10. August 2014


Aromatic is the fruit, the scent of flowers
aromatic is my ginger tea
the jam, the honey and the beauty oil
aromatic are the herbs and spices
aromatic is the air in fall
when the rain is gone away...

9 Kommentare:

  1. what wonderful tastes and smells, have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  2. Scent from wonderful things around us, thanks for linking with us at Our Beautiful World!

  3. A grand collection of yellows here tantalising all the senses. Especially love the photo of the candle.

  4. Beautiful photos ... Thanks for sharing with us Our Beautiful World!

  5. Your yellow and oranges are real day brighteners for me today...gloomy here today♪

  6. Your melon image is so crisp and clear and perfect. I love the composition and the colour and the contrasting patterns. Thanks for sharing with Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  7. schöner Post zum Thema und danke fürs mitmachen auf "Our Beautiful World"

  8. Hi Mascha...gorgeous photos, I can smell the cinnamon and citrus. Thanks for sharing with OBW

  9. Beautiful photos and I liked lovely your verse. Nothing better when you are feeling unwell, a hot honey and lemond drink


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