Dienstag, 19. August 2014

Our Beautiful World: Signage

Information for visitors

Book shop

A nostalgic shop for tea, coffee and this and that

The plumber

The hairdresser

The flowershop

And here you can sleep, when you visit our town...

Shared with Our Beautiful World

9 Kommentare:

  1. what creative signs, especially the plumber's and the book shop's! The flower boxes make the building's facade quite attractive.

  2. Wundervolle Photos mit so vielen fantastischen Schildern!

  3. Hübsche Schilder hast du fotografiert. Der Hoteleingang gefällt mir besonders gut. Viele Grüße und schön das du wieder mitgemacht hast bei "OBW"

  4. Lovely share, thanks for linking up with us at Our Beautiful World!

  5. What a pretty place!! I loved seeing these photos ... Thank you so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!

  6. A lovely serie!

    You'll find my last post here: http://bjorstad.wordpress.com/

  7. Mascha, what beautiful photos for this weeks Signage prompt at Our Beautiful World. I love the beautiful intricaciesand quirkiness of the signs, not just bold in your face ones...thanks for sharing them Cheers Robyn


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