Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

Roseburg at night

Last Saturday night we were in the Roseburg-park and saw the dawn, 
and they lit many lights.
It was so amazing!
I could make only a few photos with my little camera in hand...

I am very grateful to our friend for this trip.
There are always special moments of happiness for me, to leave my town two or three times in a whole year...and see something outside. For myself this is impossible, because I haven't car :-(
The more I cherish this rare opportunities.

18 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha
    ....die Stimmung bei Nacht auf Roseburg ist bestimmt besonders und einzigartig. Die Lichter schenken eine wohlige Athmosphäre kann ich mir denken. Ganz toll!

    Liebe Grüessli

  2. very pretty - looks serene and peaceful...

  3. Die Kerzen verzaubern die ganze Gegend in eine mystische Atmosphäre. Wunderschöne Fotos,

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I'm so happy for you! It looks amazing...and all the more so because it's rare. XO JJ

  5. I know this is beautiful to see. In the small town of Dillsboro, NC, which is south east of the Great Smoky Mountains, the first two weekends in December they line the street with hundreds of luminaries. It makes the Christmas season magical and delightful. If you want to check out an archived post of this, click here!

    1. That must be amazing!
      (But the link says to me always "Page not found")

  6. It looks like it would be amazing!

  7. Whereever Roseburg is - it looks like a great place where you can spend some pleasant hours!

  8. Beautiful place, it looks amazing :-)

  9. very pretty. looks like a nice, calm place to walk around and relax.

    Iowa Voice

  10. Lovely! Thank you for adding to {somewhere i visited}.


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