Montag, 11. August 2014

Maschas Mix - No. 56 -


Woodstock Nation is the prompt of this week at Spy Girls 52 Pick-me-up

Shared with Visible Monday, What I wore Wednesday ,Fashion item Friday, MIXIT!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh yes, very hippie, peace chick! I love your corduroy, denim skirt! I also love the photo with your hands up, smiling! You look full of joy. And your flowers and the hint of view are beautiful. XO JJ

  2. Just LOVE these photos - gorgeous!!
    Wishing you gentle, creative energy today xx
    PS The dreamboard doesn't take too much energy - it's just choosing images and sticking, and I don't work on too big a board!! But I have SUCH an abundance of images, I keep wondering if I should do a New Moon one as well :)

  3. Oh the colors! And the happy look on your face, my peace-loving friend. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  4. How cute is this!! Love this skirt, I can totally see you at Woodstock. I'll take the accessories too please!


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