Rococo is the prompt of this week at Spy Girls 52
Montag, 25. August 2014
4 Kommentare:
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Oh wunderbar...du präsentierst dich wie eine geborenes Burg - oder Schlossfräulein. :-)
AntwortenLöschenDer Schirm ist bezaubernd.
Hab eine gute neue Woche.
The fountain just fits this theme! And your beautiful umbrella! What a view from this lovely shaped fountain. You are looking beautiful and relaxed in this landscape. xo JJ is your name pronounced Ma-sha or Ma-ska? Or something else?
AntwortenLöschenPictures made by the old castle of our town (in it is a museum and the mirror, that have show last week).
LöschenMy name is Masha.
How beautiful! Thanks for playing! xxox