Freitag, 8. August 2014

Market day

Every Tuesday and Friday is market day on our historic market square.
I like this market with its fresh goods, the colors and scents.
On a sunny day just to stroll around the market is always a pleasure for me.
Only in this week there was no sun ...

8 Kommentare:

  1. I see my favorite fruits, the cherries! A must buy for me if they are in season, but we imported them. In fact most of our produce are imported too .I miss seeing photos from participants of FMTSO and I decided to come back after a few month in hiatus.

    1. Iin Germany most fruits and vegetables are imported too, from Spain or Netherlands. Only on markets are a few domestic producers. But everything is there not a German product. I do not understand this madness, that the apple trees falls in Germany and then sold apples from New Zealand -

  2. Herrlich, herrlich, herrlich euer Marktplatz mit den tollen Häuser!

    Alles Liebe!

  3. What lovely memories you brought back for me..... Love seeing those German houses and the cobbled streets...sigh.... We spent three years in Germany back in 1989 - 92...We miss it very much and would love to return....Hugs! deb

  4. Wonderfull market and houses, greeting from Belgium

  5. I love those plum cherries and strawberries!! Thanks for linking up with Friday My Town Shoot Out.

    Mersad Donko Photography


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