Freitag, 3. Juli 2015

First time

Each morning, I breathe in the whole world again like it’s the very first time & remember that all the words we use about being alive are not the same as life itself.

- storypeople -

9 Kommentare:

  1. Just thinking about "Life Itself" fills me with wonder.

  2. Lovely words and image. Have a happy weekend!

  3. How lovely! Do have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Lovely post! Really awesome shot! Yep, I used to contribute to Skywatch years ago but had stopped. Will probably come back from time to time.

  5. Lovely view of the buildings in the first photo and a creative, beautiful collage.

  6. indeed Mascha; this is the day the Lord hath made; i'm happy you dropped in at my Sunday Lime today

    much love...


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