Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015

Late night

In the end, I think that I will like that we were sitting on the bed,
talking & wondering where the time had gone.

- storypeople -

This picstory I've made for the prompt of this week "layers" at Our Beautiful World
 (and in my previous post you can find a story to the photos of the scarfes)

Shared with Little Things Thursday , Paint Party Friday, Inspire Me Monday 

17 Kommentare:

  1. The photo of the colorful stack of scarves is delightful!
    Please come link up at

  2. My eyes are drawn to the vibrant colors of the fabric.

  3. LOVE your collages/journal pages - beautifully evocative...
    Then the piles of vibrant colour in-between are quite a shock!

  4. Wonderful projects and photography once again! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW

  5. Beautiful layers of fabric...I love how it emulates a chorus! Wonderful collage!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Beautiful collages with thought provoking elements. Love the scarves and those vibrant colors.

  7. Interesting collages and journaling. Wonderful!

  8. Wonderful pages and colorful fabrics! Great! Happy PPF!

  9. Love what you are doing here. Beautiful!

  10. Again more beautiful collage work! WOW on the colour of the layers of fabric - this is striking! Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World!

  11. You have so many beautiful fabrics!

  12. Die Stoffe sehen toll aus so übereinander gestapelt, schöne Bilder und klasse das du wieder mitgemacht hast. Lg

  13. Yes I had read the scarf story in a previous post. Nice to see that motif repeated in this one
    Have a happy PPF

    Much love...

  14. Great collages and i love the colours & textures of the fabrics! So beautiful all layered like that... Happy Sunday! xx

  15. These wonderful collages fill my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.


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