Freitag, 31. Juli 2015

Love looks

Someone asked me about you the other day & I said something like she is not too tall & her hair is such & such a color. I said that, because how could I tell them you are like the play of sunlight on water, dancing to music we don’t often hear. Or the song of doves, like the soft sounds a woman makes when she is truly kissed. Or the way people smile at each other when there is nothing to hide. How could I tell them you are the way love looks when it walks through this world of ours? How could I say that to them before I spent a lifetime saying that to you?

- storypeople -

21 Kommentare:

  1. I always enjoy looking how you incorporate your pictures with your journaling. It always makes it so interesting.
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  2. Beautiful layouts, love the photos!

  3. You do the most amazing collages! It works so well with entwined with your beautiful photography! THanks for your lovely comments on my altered book - yes german. I used to have trouble starting to use beautiful books... here's an explanation in how it became easier
    I really love rescuing these books now.

  4. Wow these are impressive. The fashion and the art are superb.

  5. Beautiful! You have such an eye for collage and it works so well with your photography. Happy PPF

  6. Wonderful pictures, Mascha, so artistic. My favorite is always blue.

  7. Hi Mascha,
    I love the fact that the collages are handmade and not digital art - awesome.
    What type of pen do you use to write? You have great handwriting.
    I enjoyed all the photos in this post.
    I enjoyed the last two photos, particularly - the 11th photo for the angel-like wings and the 12th for the train tracks.
    Finally, thank you for answering my question about the bike.
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!
    Peace :)

    1. At this sheets I've used gel pens in silver and gold. That are my favorite pens.
      Often use ink rollers or what I find. That's all often randomly - I have a very little money and cannot buy, what I would like to use... only old journal-photos, that I've collected or an used gift wrap paper... and pens, what I somewere found in sale...

  8. A beautiful post Mascha, both artwork and words.
    Fantastic and a pleasure to visit.
    Happy PPF to you

  9. Beautiful art and photos!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Your collages are truly beautiful. I look forward to seeing more. I also like how your photographs and collages seem to go together so seamlessly as I scroll through your site.

  11. Lovely pages - & what a breathtaking piece of writing! I love your combination of the writing and the pictures.
    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  12. Beautiful as always!
    Thanks for linking up at

  13. Nice mix of interesting collages and beautiful trees.

  14. you are very creative. Love what you create. And I love the volcano :)

  15. I love the collage and the pictures. . . very creative. Blessings, Janet PPF

  16. Beautiful light-filled images, Mascha. I particularly love the fountain! And the artwork and writing are wonderful. You are so talented.


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