Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2015

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.

This picstory I've made for July Challenge at Scrapping Everyday Miracles

I'm also want to share it with Still Saturday , Anything Blue Friday, Inspire Me Monday

9 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha the color are wonderful. I especially like the one with the vase against the stone wall.


  2. the photos you shared on your creation are spectacular. I wish I could read your post but my translator is not working. Thank you for sharing it with us at Scrapping Everyday Miracles for our scripture inspriation challenge/

    1. The handwritten text in picture #4 is more a random scrapbooking text. I think, my pictures tell their own story as pictures together and it is more interesting when the viewer has their own idea and associations connected with his own experience and feelings.
      This is the meaning of my "Picstories": I want to leave space for each viewer, his own emotion with to bring in. A little like an abstract or surrealist painting.

  3. Lovely Mascha. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. The blues go so well with the Scripture, as well as each piece in its very own place. I love things creative. You are a near neighbor at Sandra's and I am glad. I have never been here before.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  5. As usual, thank you. And, I'm a cloud addict. I LOVE to see them. Thank for sharing.

  6. This is one of my favorite verses because it's a source of comfort every time sorrow comes in.

  7. So very beautifully done! Thanks for playing along with us at Scrapping Everyday Miracles.

  8. Beautiful work Mascha...thank you for sharing with us at SEM this month.


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