Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2015

So dry...

We had not rain for many weeks and almost everything that grows 
on the old garden walls is dried up.
But the dying colors are also nice (on pictures)

At last a photo to show more fence, but it's somehow boring as picture, I think

12 Kommentare:

  1. Boy do you really need the rain. SO dry but the last shots is good for this meme today.

  2. I hope you have some much needed rain soon! The colorful dried up plants on the stone wall do look pretty though. Great fence finds. Have a happy day!

  3. It does look very dry there. Hope you get some rain soon!

  4. it really is beautiful, even in its drying form. i hope you will get rain soon!

  5. Boring perhaps, but I just bet there are lots of charming and interesting things growing inside those little houses! I notice the garden hose still going what could be growing?!

  6. Sometimes we can find beauty in bad situations.

  7. Last picture looks interesting. Are they little covered green house?

  8. it's pretty but i hope you get some rain!

  9. It's been a very "dry" summer here as well and lots of things are drying up. Still there is beauty as you found on that rock wall. Your fence shot was not boring at all. I'm guessing those are some type of greenhouses behind the fencing.

  10. I guess the plants do not love it, but it's pretty for us to look at.

  11. Oh, wow! Hope you get some rain soon.

  12. Need some rain, I see. Not too much ang not to little.
    But the plants are beautiful even if they are dry.
    Have a nice day.


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