Freitag, 17. Juli 2015

Ode to a brown paper bag

Today's picstory is inspired by a poem of Gillena Cox.
On monday I read it in her meme "Monday WRites
and I was immediately fascinated by this idea and the poetic power of her words.
My "inner cinema" showed me a whole story behind it, and so I made this picstory.


there it lies, folded at the creases,
crisp, neat lines lay on the kitchen counter;
shall i unfold it, expand it, open it
to sounds of morning; filling it with
a din of twitterings,
i mean to cram all those birdsongs into
a brown paperbag; so vast this ideal
of a dawning sky, where does one begin
to draw rainbows? where does the dark
of night hang his obsidian coat?
it peters out, the earliest din;
so the opened brown paper bag
now stands on the kitchen counter
seemingly empty

© gillena cox 2015

16 Kommentare:

  1. These pages look so mysterious, great earthy tones!

  2. Interesting collages, as I can't read the words unfortunately I don't know how they are pieced together for you; but it looks great.

    1. The words in my collages are mostly random scrapbook words, not necessary to understand them.
      My picstories are made to stimulate the own imagination of the viewer. For the "mind cinema"...

  3. Mysterious and interesting pieces of art.

  4. ooh I see why you were inspired! And now you have inspired me! :-) xo Jazzy Jack

  5. Lovely collages and images, you are very creative. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Mascha i like where your muse took you with this one; this is really a wonderful collaboration; i am happy to be a part of this inspired work

    a happy PPF to you and wishing you creative hours

    much love...

  7. You certainly filled up that bag with your wonderful creativity!! Spectacular images! Well done!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Your journal pages are so full of emotions. I really enjoy the photos you pick out and how your writing goes all around them.

  9. The one thing I LOVE about poetry is the depth of creativity and emotion that it brings with it. Your photos tell deep story, an emotional retelling of all that could be in the void of the paper bag.

  10. As usual, you shared much, you did much. Thank you!

  11. Such nifty collages, very interesting how they are put together!!

  12. I'd never have thought of writing an ode to a paper bag!
    Thanks for sharing at

  13. Thank you. Thats all I can say.
    Have a nice day.


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