Montag, 9. November 2015

A fairytale

They flew through deserts
crossed the sea
overclimb mountains
hiked on border fences
miles along
made detours
lost comrades
hid in dark forests
not welcome

Suddenly a light
and the fairy said:
This is a gift
it is for you
it is still covered
maybe it's a castle
maybe just a roof over your head
and maybe it will
your new home place

13 Kommentare:

  1. hope in the light of displacement,
    i think of all those fleeing their homes dangerously crossing borders for a better life, and pray for them today a blessing

    Thanks for linking in at my Monday WRites today Mascha

    much love...

  2. A reminder of people now displaced from their homes. Thanks!

  3. Throughout all times there have been peoples who have had to flee, and found refuge in unexpected, miraculous places. Praying for those seeking a refuge tonight.

  4. There are many out there who can identify with the poem above! Have a great week!

  5. Interesting shot, and poem.
    Thank you for sharing at

  6. I would feel at home in your fairy tale.A fine shot :)

  7. Nice! The last few yellow leaves on the branches give the tree a beautiful glow, a bit like the twinkling lights decorating a Christmas tree.
    Greetings, Hilde
    Visiting from Trees 'n Bushes

  8. Pretty image, the lighting is beautiful on the leaves. I like your cute poem! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  9. Such a lovely whimsical poem to go with the photo!

  10. So glad to see you have entered this into Wednesday Wit &'s wonderful!

  11. So happy that's all behind you.


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