Dienstag, 24. November 2015

Inexact science

sorting out things based on a strange combination of stuff he’s read about in books & things he’s tried out once or twice in his head (so there’s always a chance it’ll fall apart in a spectacular fashion)...

- storypeople -

I'm in a blog break now, but I had prepared this post last week...
I'm not online every day, but I will visit the others during the week - 
Simply Neutrals is such an amazing meme - )

8 Kommentare:

  1. Sensational imagery! And the collages are beautiful. x Julie

  2. Your beautiful images of corridors, stone shrines, ironwork and doors are so very interesting! I am fascinated and inspired by your beautiful artworked collages - love them! Thanks for sharing it all with us!

  3. Your images are beautiful and incorporated into collages they are even more stunning. Thanks for sharing your work again! Sue

  4. Just stunning. Love very much. Mimi xxx

  5. Oh my, your photos are so beautiful, Mascha! The amazing iron work on the wood and the big stone ornament, such beautiful craftsmanship! xx

  6. Lovely photos and artwork, Mascha!
    I particularly love the shadows and light in the first photo.
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  7. A lovely 'doors' theme starting with Suzy's blog continues with yours, Mascha! What amazing details of architecture. I love your collage with the young girl holding the high-heeled shoe. So symbolic. My daughter is there now -but she only sees high-heeled shoes in op shops, thank goodness!


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