Dienstag, 17. November 2015

Pesky growth

I finally got to exactly where I wanted to be,
she said, so why won’t all these growth experiences
go away & leave me alone?

- storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. I concur with the sentiment of taking a break from growth for a while! A week of boring would be welcome. I love how you've made green a neutral too. It works well amongst all the beige and ecru.

  2. Nice!
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/11/sunset-on-bay.html

  3. Sometimes a break is just what is needed!

  4. A beautiful post dear Mascha. Great photos, I love the mysterious feel of the building and the corn photo is so gorgeous. xx

  5. Such an intriguing building! It must have many stories to tell~ I like the close up of the corn wheat~ Beautiful. Karen O

  6. Beautiful, beautiful neutrals Mascha !!
    x, Dorthe

  7. Mascha, I love the green tinge to your neutrals - and the corn image is stunning.


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