Mittwoch, 4. November 2015
25 Kommentare:
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Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
so beautiful!
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful! I love the autumn colours.
AntwortenLöschenStunning, bright autumn colours. And the touch of water in each scene is magical.
AntwortenLöschenWow! So Stunning!
AntwortenLöscheneinfach ein Fest fürs Auge, einfach schöne Bilder.
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
Wonderful photos Mascha. I am sorry about Share in Style. As I stopped paying for the link up, they removed the photos because they are always on their site. All I had was the link to it.
AntwortenLöschenDO keep in touch
gorgeous photos!
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Mascha,
AntwortenLöschenherbstlicher und romantischer geht`s fast gar nicht, tolle Aufnahme sind dir da wieder mal gelungen.
wie schön, dass du am " Natur-Donnerstag " wieder dabei bist.
♥liche Grüße
The autumn colours are simply stunning. Awesome photography
AntwortenLöschenWonderful photos showing us how beautiful this season is.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for sharing and enjoy this autumn. :-)
Best regards from Germany
Wasser verliert nie seinen Reiz. Erstrecht nicht mit diesem wunderschönen Rahmen.
AntwortenLöschenlg Gabriele ☼
Beautiful fall colors.
AntwortenLöschenMy hair was medium length. My longest layer was a little beyond my shoulders. Now my longest layer touches my collarbone. I have had it short before and the only problem is that with my wavy/curly hair if I can't trim it regularly, or I decide I want it a bit longer, the growing out stage makes me look like an upside down pineapple. It is too thick to be at one length and because we are still having 90% humidity days here, I like to be able to put it up.
We probably do have that cat heaven story. Here it is called the Rainbow Bridge. All the pets that have died are there waiting for us and when our pet(s) sees us they come running to us and we walk the rainbow bridge to heaven together.
Beautiful fall colors.
AntwortenLöschenMy hair was medium length. My longest layer was a little beyond my shoulders. Now my longest layer touches my collarbone. I have had it short before and the only problem is that with my wavy/curly hair if I can't trim it regularly, or I decide I want it a bit longer, the growing out stage makes me look like an upside down pineapple. It is too thick to be at one length and because we are still having 90% humidity days here, I like to be able to put it up.
We probably do have that cat heaven story. Here it is called the Rainbow Bridge. All the pets that have died are there waiting for us and when our pet(s) sees us they come running to us and we walk the rainbow bridge to heaven together.
dream land for a weekend walk.
AntwortenLöschenNa, also doch kein Schnee im Harz! So kann man den November doch ziemlich gut aushalten, oder?
AntwortenLöschenDieses Wetter noch bis kurz vor Weihnachten, dann kurz aber heftig Schnee für ein paar Tage - dann kann der Frühling bereits schon wieder kommen. Einverstanden? Oder brauchst du den langen und grauen Winter-Blues fürs Gemüt???
Ohh, was ist das schön.
AntwortenLöschenLieben Gruß Eva
These are heavenly with their color and reflections. This is an awesome collection.
AntwortenLöschenReally lovely Autumn colours and reflections.
AntwortenLöschensuper autumn colours and lovely reflections
AntwortenLöschenso colourful and such beautiful reflection shots
AntwortenLöschenSydney – City and Suburbs
Sensational autumn colours and fab reflecions. Have a wonderful weekend.
AntwortenLöschenWonderful colours and reflections!
AntwortenLöschenGreat autumn display here. I love it.
AntwortenLöschender herbst ist eine sehr farbenfrohe zeit. deine bilder spiegeln es gekonnt wider.
AntwortenLöschenliebe grüße
Gorgeous foliage! I wish that were here.