Dienstag, 17. November 2015

Little German ABC

S is for Stift and Schere

Stift [ʃtɪft] der <–(e)s, –e> - pencil, crayon
Schere [ˈʃeːrə] die <–, –n> - scissors

That is always on my working desk
to make my journal pages and collages

Similiar words in German and English:

Salz [zalʦ] das - salt
Sonne [ˈzɔnə] die - sun
scheinen [ˈʃaenən] - shine
Sand [zant] der - sand
Sommer [ˈzɔmɐ] der - summer
Samen [ˈzaːmən] der - seed

9 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for the German lesson. I keep a journal but it is only writing and hand drawn images. I'm not a very good artist but I enjoy adding the pictures. No one reads my journals, but I figure some day when I can no longer live off the grid in our float cabin home they will give me much pleasure. - Margy

  2. if one is creative, those things come in handy ;-)

    Have a nice abc-day/- week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc.-w-team)

  3. I don't know German, but these are interesting words that are similar to English. Love how your photos are in black and white.

    abcw team

  4. Love your journal, - I can see it is an important part of your life.

  5. I enjoy the German lesson each week.
    Thanks for those and the great photos.

  6. I always wanted to learn a foreign language. Good training to start

  7. My desk is a lot messier than this



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