Dienstag, 3. November 2015

Cemetery trees...

...and the frost neutralize the colors

13 Kommentare:

  1. Such a beautiful atmosphere is on these photos Mascha. Mysterious, ethereal, but still welcoming. I'm somehow reminded of The Lord of the Rings. Beautiful! Wishing you a happy day, xx

  2. A very peaceful place. Have a lovely day!

  3. What a pretty scene, the trees and lighting are lovely. Enjoy your week!

  4. Such a calming way to start my day. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Oh how subtle and rich ... these are great pictures Mascha ... the neutralized colors give a certain aura to the cemetery. Nicely done ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. A beautiful, and pieceful place, almost like a fairytale, Mascha, and fantastic with the sun's rays.
    Dorthe, x

  7. So beautifully photographed~ You have captured the neutrals so wonderfully. Great catch of the sunlight streaming through. Surile~ Karen O.

  8. Was für ein Frieden, was für ein Licht... Danke dir, liebe Mascha, Ghislana

  9. Oh what amazing photography! I love how the light and mist is filtering through the tall standing trees creating such an ethereal effect. So very beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing these beauties with us!

  10. the frost enhances the beauty. I love it!

  11. Hi Mascha,
    Beautiful lighting in these pictures gives them a gorgeous effect. Thanks for showing these.

  12. Wouw was für eine Gegenlichtaufnahme! Was für herrliche Bilder!
    LG lykka


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