Freitag, 20. November 2015

Friday Five in red

Shared with Amy's Five on Friday, Suzy Mae's Soulfood Friday, Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday5
Rosegarden Malevik

Have a nice weekend all

(I'm dealing with a few healthy problems and will take a blog break now)

19 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely red pictures...
    Have a happy friday!

  2. Excelente trabalho, gostei do Blog.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  3. What a wonder worn red brick wall!

  4. A lot of beauty going on here . . i imagine, if i could follow that path, we could have a tea party.

  5. Interesting....and I love that last view.

  6. beautiful images mascha and i really love that first one...i wish you well...take care of yourself! thank you for linking and have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Beautiful pictures - especially the winding track through the copper beech.

  8. Wonderful Mascha, lovely photos! Thanks for sharing them.

  9. Very unique as always, Mascha. Thanks for sharing!

  10. So sorry to hear you are having health issues. Wishing you speedy healing/recovery.
    I enjoyed your photos with red in them very much. I especially liked the brick wall and that lovely autumn path at the end.

  11. Good moments in red! You do well with your colour themed posts. That last picture is especially lovely. Take care of yourself during your blog break, I do hope that you get the rest and treatment you need. Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I do hope that you have a great weekend. xx

  12. I love the warm palette of colours and those vibrant reds! Thanks so much for linking up!

  13. Lovely images. What's the story with that red brick wall?

  14. Thank you for sharing these wonderful art photos and your collage!
    Please take care of your health and I am sending healing thoughts your way
    Jackie ")

  15. The water droplets on the leaves in the 1st photo look like blobs of glass


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