Dienstag, 14. Juni 2016


The day he first told me he was starting to disappear I didn’t believe him & so he stopped & held his hand up to the sun & it was like thin paper in the light & finally I said you seem very calm for a man who is disappearing & he said it was a relief after all those years of trying to keep the pieces of his life in one place. Later on, I went to see him again & as I was leaving, he put a package in my hand. This is the last piece of my life, he said, take good care of it & then he smiled & was gone & the room filled with the sound of the wind & when I opened the package there was nothing there & I thought there must be some mistake or maybe I dropped it & I got down on my hands & knees & looked until the light began to fade & then slowly I felt the pieces of my life fall away gently & suddenly I understood what he meant & I lay there for a long time crying & laughing at the same time.

-storypeople -

10 Kommentare:

  1. I find your images of the old buildings rich with beauty and you collages are a treat for the eyes. Mascha, I hope that you are well and I thank you for sharing these treasures today. Please come back again soon.

  2. Wunderbare Collagen, eine ganz besondere Stimmung kommt bei mir an. Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  3. So great Masca - very artistic & dramatic.

  4. you always post the best images with your photo stories! love the picture with the cobblestones and train tracks!

  5. I like your unique way of presenting your photos. You told me one time you could not comment on my post. Is that still the case? I hope I fixed it.

  6. Das vorletzte Foto ist wunderschön, mein besonderer Favorit !
    ♥lichst Jutta

  7. Fantastic mix of photos and artwork. Great architecture.

  8. Beautiful art work, Masha! Is it digital artwork, or do you do it from paper and then take a photo of it? Thank you so much for your email - I'll write back when I'm not so wrung out with computer work. Have a great weekend and take care of yourself!

  9. I really love the first black and white image. There is so much interesting detail in that building.


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