Dienstag, 7. Juni 2016

Twilight zone

This keeps time in 3 diffetrent time zones,
but none of them are the one he's usually in.

- storypeople -

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing, Paint Party Friday

(My web-connection is just working again, I'm back, but I have still many things to do in real)

12 Kommentare:

  1. I find your bottom piece of artwork rather interesting :)


  2. Mascha, it's wonderful to have you back! All those pipes look to be covered with asbestos, hidden dangers from the past. I hope that you are well and hope to hear from you again soon.

  3. so happy to see you . . and now, your post is sending me off in a magical mood - for story time. love & love, -g-

  4. wonderful post mascha! i have been wondering where you were! great to see you again!

  5. Dafür bist du aber recht fleißig trotz deiner"realen Arbeit " zur Zeit.
    Tolle Aufnahmen wieder, klasse bearbeitet und mal ganz außergewöhnliche Motive, das gefällt mir.
    ♥Liebe Grüße von mir

  6. This old Boiler Room makes for really great photos. I probably would've walked in there & thought "Oh nothing much to photograph here". So many very experienced photographers like yourself online that are helping me to learn about how to look for more interesting subjects.

  7. You're such a unique artist in terms of what you do with your photos. BUT... the woman in that last photo has a bit of a creepy look about her!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/06/circa-1953-and-now.html

  8. Wow, you have access to a lot of fascinating buildings/places! Great photos. And I always enjoy your storypeople too.

  9. What an impressive post. Great scenes and collages.
    Happy PPF xx

  10. Intriguing photos and artwork Maschas. Welcome back!
    Happy PPF to you and I wish you a wonderful weekend

  11. Wow I feel so much emotion from this post...These are the words that come to mind....dark, frustrated, trapped with so much to say.... My stomach is still in knots... powerful work!

    Hugs Giggles


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