Dienstag, 28. Juni 2016

No voyage

No Voyage

I wake earlier, now that the birds have come
And sing in the unfailing trees.
On a cot by an open window
I lie like land used up, while spring unfolds.

Now of all voyagers I remember, who among them
Did not board ship with grief among their maps?—
Till it seemed men never go somewhere, they only leave
Wherever they are, when the dying begins.

For myself, I find my wanting life
Implores no novelty and no disguise of distance;
Where, in what country, might I put down these thoughts,
Who still am citizen of this fallen city?

On a cot by an open window, I lie and remember
While the birds in the trees sing of the circle of time.
Let the dying go on, and let me, if I can,
Inherit from disaster before I move.

O, I go to see the great ships ride from harbor,
And my wounds leap with impatience; yet I turn back
To sort the weeping ruins of my house:
Here or nowhere I will make peace with the fact.

- Mary Oliver -

7 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely evocative poetry and images.

  2. Great photos as always Mascha. My favourites are the closeup of the steps & the red egg

  3. Mascha, you have crafted yet another wonderful post, so many lovely images. Thank you, I hope that you are well and will return again.

  4. Mascha your photos are always so beautiful. They have a very poignant quality about them that I find appealing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Fin poesi og bilder som passer til temaet.
    Kjempefint !

  6. Love that you reminded me on how long it took to sign up for the Trabant and when it finally came - and the whole atmosphere of my friend's world in the Eastern bloc in those days. That they never may return, because they were so un-humane and everything being spied upon!
    Your photos really have a distinct mood and artistic quality and if you would live here in the USA you could easily sell them. Love your presence and sharings in SEASONS and cannot thank you enough! Of course, I say that because I know now a little more about you:)
    Because you don't see cobblestones here often, my most favorite photo of this post are the cobblestones in ca circle - but all of them are beautiful. Have a great rest of the week Masha, and hope you are doing well!!
    Sorry, haven't emailed you yet - suddenly the weather got super hot and have not slept much, and I haven't behind the computer much.


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