Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2016

Scripture Inspiration

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrew 1:11

11 Kommentare:

  1. wonderful images and thoughts

  2. A very solemn looking sky. I always enjoy your collages Mascha

  3. Love the collages and your subject matter is a clever idea. The scenery with the blue sky is a great photo.
    Happy Blue Monday

  4. Very interesting collage. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrapping Everyday Miracles.

  5. Fascinating collages. So happy you were inspired and shared with us at SEM.

  6. Fascinating collages. So happy you were inspired and shared with us at SEM.

  7. Very interesting art collage! Thank You for playing along with SEM Challenge this month!

  8. Love how you used our SEM scripture for your wonderful collages. They're really unique! Thanks for linking up with us for our challenge this month.

  9. Mascha---you're our Scrapping Everyday Miracles June Prize Winner. Please see the post on our blog to contact Alicia with your info so she can send you your prize. Congratulations!


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