Montag, 27. Juni 2016

Light blue...

11 Kommentare:

  1. Such lovely flowers!
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. Beautiful shade of blue with tinges of violet, I love it.

  3. Beautiful flower. I too took some shots of blue flowers this week.

  4. Ååå, how beautiful blossoms.
    And I like the blue color !

  5. Delphiniums the most beautiful flowers in the most beautiful colour, love them!

  6. Mascha, such a delight for both the eyes and the ears! Thanks for stopping by Foto Tunes. I hope that you will be able come back again soon.

  7. Lovely flowers Mascha & such a pretty shade of blue

  8. You have chosen a very beautiful shade of blue. Good pictures.

    R. Täysin arkista


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