Freitag, 24. Juni 2016

Friday's Hunt

Starts with "Z" - this is Zazie, my little rabbit-friend

Weeks favorite is silence and quietness.
I had a lot of trouble and pain and a noise-overload yesterday...
 I'm so longhing for silence and quietness, like here in the old Abbey.
It's a wonderful place,  the Michaelstein-Abbey by Blankenburg, I wish, I could more often be there (it's a Museum and a wonderful herb garden, open for all)

Today it was very hot and sunny and it's good to have a big sun parasol.

Joining with Teresa's Friday's Hunt
Shared with Shadow Shot Sunday2

12 Kommentare:

  1. The Abbey is indeed a favorite!

  2. enjoyed looking at your beautiful country's sights. The peace and quiet of the abbey is a real enticement on this day of turmoil over BREXIT.

  3. that Abbey looks a wonderful place to visit and to be quiet. Love the aarches adn shadows on the ground. Your bunny is cute. I have published now so hope you will pop in so untill next week, I hope you had a wonderful one.

  4. was für ein wunderschöner Ort.
    LG susa

  5. When you are looking for quietness, this is a great place. I think in summer I should spend time in the herb garden and by colder days under the arches and in winter sitting and enjoy the silence on the writing table. Beautiful!

  6. Your photos give me good vibrations !

  7. Hello, I loved the abbey photos. They are quiet, elegant, and rich. The parasol provided welcomed shade I'm sure. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  8. Zazie looks a best kind of wonder guide.

  9. These are great shots. I love the second best.

  10. Your rabbit friend is adorable. I do hope you're feeling better. I love the images from the abbey and can see why you enjoy it. Lovely. We've had lots of sunny weather too. Thanks so much for joining in. Have a great week!

  11. The old abbey is so beautiful. Lots of quiet atmosphere here. And adore your little friend. A cutie.


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