Sonntag, 26. Juni 2016


All good things come in threes
That already knew the ancestors
Many fairytales tell us about it
Spit three times over the shoulder
of the artist
before his tightrope performance
If you are a kind person
you make three good deeds
to seemingly insignificant creatures
then comes the fairy and
you have three wishes
There are three chairs
on which you will sit
and write down what you are wishing?
Think about them well
it could be true!

Aller guten Dinge sind drei
Das wuszten schon die Altvorderen
Viele Märchen erzählen davon
Dreimal über die Schulter gespuckt
hilft dem Artisten
vor seinem Drahtseilakt
Wenn du ein gutherziger Mensch bist
vollbringe drei gute Taten
an scheinbar unbedeutenden Wesen
dann kommt eine Fee und du hast
drei Wünsche frei
Da sind drei Stühle auf welchen
wirst du dich setzen
aufzuschreiben was du dir wünschst?
Bedenke es gut denn es
könnte geschehen!

Inspired by Our Beautiful World
Congrats to the 3rd anniversary :-)

14 Kommentare:

  1. Great threes Mascha - happy Sunday!

  2. Well done! You got them all in threes! Beautiful photos.

  3. So perfect for this week at Our Beautiful World, thanks for celebrating with us!

  4. Is it YOUR blog 3rd anniversar? Well if it is, this post and its beautiful photographs are a lovely way to celebrate.

  5. Three cheers for a lovely blog post. I'm happy you linked to Monday WRites today Mascha

    Much love...

  6. Terrific photos! I love those sun chairs in your first shot! Never seen anything like them before!

  7. Great shots, Mascha, beautiful! Those windows and flowers... so beautiful. Thank you for linking up to OBW :)

  8. Lovely and interesting shots of your corner of the world!

  9. Fantastic photos and I love the words ou shared to describe them!

  10. Great photos!Thanks for sharing in OBW!AriadnefromGreece!

  11. lovely three photos :)

  12. Great photos all. You've really captured 3!


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