Montag, 16. April 2018

At the window

A popular band from GDR, what I've liked in my young years

Translation found here

At the Window

To know for once, this will last forever
Is not a frenzy that is already complaining about the night
Is not the lustre of colour nor the shine of candles
Already chased away by the grey of the morning
To comprehend for once, to feel it deep in the blood
This here is mine and it is only because of you
Not cooling off the forehead at the window anymore
Where a heavy mist was passing by
To comprehend for once, to feel it deep in the blood
This here is mine and it is only because of you
A bird is moaning, oh, my plumage, too
Is wetted by the rain when I fly through the world
When I fly through the world

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, thanks for the translation. Such a lovely pairing of your college and tune. Thanks for stopping by, take care and stop back when you can.

  2. Mascha, Aha! look out any window. Thanks for sharing.


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