Montag, 23. April 2018

I still love you


If two who tolerate each other so long
Do not get on your nerves,
then one can say of them:
The two must understand each other.
That was not always like that, oh no,
the first intoxication soon disappeared
and it happened, the rag flew.
We do not beat anything short and small,
we are in control
and make a turn around us.
I still love you,
after all this time ...
I still love you,
we often do not make it easy
and yet I still love you
There were already bad crises in our country
as is usual with couples.
But always then you have proven
how tough and brave you are.
I broke, I know,
sometimes off and then stayed
far too long away,
you did not understand
but at some point I came home
then many a loud bad word fell
but in the end the realization remained:
I still love you,
after all this time ...
I still love you,
we often do not make it easy
and yet I still love you
We know our weak sides
and we see each other through quickly.
No sooner does it happen that we fight once,
and if so, a thick coat protects us.
Everything is going according to plan,
we bridge every gap,
because with time came the habituation.
Come on, be spontaneous again
and go up in the air like in the old days
how beautiful was always reconciliation.
I still love you,
after all this time ...
I still love you,
we often do not make it easy
and yet I still love you

Shared with Photo Tunes

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ja, ein Geschenk, wenn man so etwas erleben darf...
    Eine schöne neue Woche!

  2. ...hand in hand, my wife have been happy together for 50 years! Masha, such a beautiful tune, the piano is lovely. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  3. Mascha, lovely capture of this couple passing through the arch. Thanks for sharing.


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