Dienstag, 3. April 2018


During the times you feel most alone, I want you to remember this:
I held you & loved you from the moment you came into this world
& that's how it's always been for me & if you forget,
I am here to remind you as many times as you need.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha, wenn andere eine Idee aufgreifen, empfinde ich das als Lob. Also: No hard feelings, keine Zweifel bitte wegen deines Wochenrückblicks. Ich finde ihn interessant. Bin nur sehr beschäftigt: Jetzt ist die größere Enkelin hier auf Oma-Opa-Urlaub bei uns in Köln. Da bin ich mehrfach gefordert...
    Alles Liebe!

  2. ...Masha, what a wonderful collection of images. The brown tones are so warm. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your week and please come again.

  3. Mascha, peaceful tabby. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful text, Mascha! Your photos and digital editing are so beautiful too with the warm browns and neutrals. Sweet cat :) Wishing you a sunny day, xx hugs

  5. Such beautiful words and collages! The beautiful kitty looks so peaceful enjoying the sunshine too 😁. Nice to visit you from Simply Neutrals Tuesday party and wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊

  6. Stunning post Macha! Gorgeous neutrals here. I appreciate the words above, and that sweet sleepy cat too! Glad to see you at SNT : ) ~karen o

  7. Mascha, We all love your sleeping tabby cat and your digital collages with their warm neutral tones. The kaleidoscope is fascinating.

  8. The old stable (?) is a really interesting shot. Lots of tones and light to catch your eye

  9. Awesome images, as always! And your words make a lot of sense.


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