Montag, 29. Juli 2019

If the beasts should hunt us


One thing I've always known
You will grow old
Let me walk with you tonight

My shoes are worn down
And I can feel the ground
Let me walk with you tonight

And if your hands should freeze, dear
Let 'em freeze in mine
And if your eyes should close, dear
Let me be your guide

When summer comes again
Don't know where I'll be then
Let me walk with you tonight

We'll walk the railroad tracks
The city at our backs
Let me walk with you tonight

And if the moon should burn, dear
Stand here in my shadow
The path is not too long, dear
But rather terribly narrow

So come along with me
We got all day to sleep
Let me walk with you tonight

The wind is dying down
Our steps the only sound
Let me walk with you tonight

And if the beasts should hunt us
You, my dear, they will not find
I was put here to protect you
With this here rusted knife

Let me walk with you tonight
Let me walk with you tonight

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wolltest du uns bildlich gesehen Abkühlung verschaffen?🙃 Gelungen!
    Heute mal endlich wieder eine angenehm temperierte Nacht....
    Euch weiter östlich wünsche ich auch frische Luft!

  2. ...your images of the rail yard have a nice coloring effect. This is a tune that is new to me, I need to check out their other tunes. Thanks Masha for stopping by, enjoy your summer week.


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