Samstag, 13. Juli 2019

The weekend round up

Playing the weekly round with Tom the Backroadstraveller

Starts with "B": baskets

A favorite: bears

Big: allium flower

5 Kommentare:

  1. Nice baskets, Mascha, and you made a good photo, very pretty. Be careful, those Teddy Bears will eat all your fruit. I've studied German but that was a long time ago. I can still read the traffic signs to drive in Germany but that's about all now. I need to refresh myself.

    1. These bears are my helpers, they have harvested the apples ;)

  2. I would enjoy having one of those baskets filled with apples. Watch out or those bears will eat them all. :)

  3. ...I'm looking forward to 'B'asket of 'B'ig juicy apples!
    ...why of course 'B'ears.
    ...I was at a garden this week and saw a 'B'ig allium sculpture.
    Thanks Masha for joining in this week, take care and enjoy your weekend.

  4. Wonderful photos and I love seeing your stuffed animals featured.


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