Samstag, 6. Juli 2019

The Weekend Roundup

Tom's Weekend Roundup starts again with "A"
and I will try to join more often.

1. Angel

2. A favorite are Astral Sandal and Amber Moon (incense sticks)

3. Architecture

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...angels are always a favorite of mine. the '60s when I was in college incense was popular to cover the smell of marijuana. Holy Smokes is a good name.
    ...what fabulous examples of architecture, they look great in black and white.
    Thanks Masha for stopping by, the welcome mat is always out!

  2. "There must be an angel playing with my heart" Annie Lennox/ Eurythmics.
    Das singt in meinem Kopf.
    Herzliche Grüße!

  3. The angel statute is beautiful! Love the architecture in black and white.

  4. I like your angel statue, I think it has a name. We have a porcelain angel with that shape. But we don't know what or where the angel is. Perhaps in the city where you found it still.


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