Dienstag, 30. Juli 2019

Certain choices

One day, you just decide to be certain (which is not the same as knowing everything).
Decide that what you know is exactly what you need to know & then you start. Whatever it is.
Start & be certain you'll lern as you go.
People act like certainty is an illusion. It's not.
It's a choice & it canges your whole life.

- Brian Andreas -

4 Kommentare:

  1. Fantastic photos and great collage artwork.

  2. ...Masha, your photos of the architectural details are wonderful, as are your collages. Your artistic creation are wonders to behold, thank you so much. Take care and enjoy our week.

  3. Liebe Mascha,
    das sind wunderschöne Bilder.
    Ich wünsche Dir noch eine schöne Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  4. Heisann, marvellous post, I love the way you have your presentation, great!

    I send an invitation for Blogger's Sunday Walk to everyone who has joined some time ago and some new. Participating has now become easier via InLinkz. The intention is the same: “to detach” bloggers from the computer screen for a while to use their legs, and then share the experiences of the trip. There will be an unpretentious photo assignment as well. Would have been really nice if you join us the last Sunday in October. I intend to have a post the Monday before to inform about BSW Fall 2019. Welcome, best regards Vilt og vakkert.
    Here you can see the latest arrangement BSW Summer 2019:

    Hope you join ;:OD)


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