Montag, 1. Juli 2019

The love that you had


The love that you had
In your heart is gone
Any touch of sincerity
Any trace of compassion
What hardened your heart?
What turned it to stone?
What made you forget?
You were in love with someone
Your hands don't reach out
Your voice doesn't call me
I know you've stopped listening
Your eyes look straight through me
If nights are like this
I'd rather be alone
Who said you could forget
That you were in love with someone?
Tell me what hardened your heart
Tell me what turned it to stone
Tell me what made you forget
You were in love with someone
Was I wrong to forgive
Your indiscretions?
Should I have been more hysterical
Less understanding?
If you're looking for a villain
Go on assume the role
Don't say that it's my fault
That you're not in love with someone
Tell me what hardened your heart
Tell me what turned it to stone
Tell me what made you forget
You were in love with someone
Tell me there's someone in your life
I'll fight to keep your for my own
Tell me, 'cause I really want to know
Why you can't be in love with someone

Songwriter: Tracy L Chapman

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Tracy Chapman what a fabulous choice! The guitar on the intro tells you that Chapman's beautiful voice is coming. Thanks Masha for sharing, enjoy your week.


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