Samstag, 20. Juli 2019

The weekend round up

Plaing a new round with Tom the Backroads Traveller

Starts with "C": carriage

You can take it for a ride to this castle

A favorite: celery soup

Calm is for me always a look into the sky, clouds are starting with "C"...

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...a fabulous Collection of Cs. A Carriage to the Castle soundsCalming to me. Thanks Masha for stopping by, I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

  2. Would enjoy a ride in the carriage and also a tour of the castle. The clouds are beautiful!

  3. A nice group of "C" words, Mascha. I like your carriage, it looks well cared for. Yes, clouds, if they are behaving like the beauties you found, tend to have a Calming effect on one. Storm clouds are worrisome.
    Thank you for peeking in on me. BTW, there are many in the U.S.A. who do not have a car. There can be no need for one if good mass transportation is available. Cars are expensive, that is why we don't buy new ones I a well cared for used one can be found.


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