Playing a new round with Tom
Starts with "D": doors
A favorite: denim, in different shades
Dark is inside of this old attic
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I like that pretty old building. I'm thinking it might be a small hotel with guest parking in the basement. Denims are popular here also, the majority are Jeans. Most USA attics do not have functional windows but they generally have an electric light that can be turned on from the top steps below.
Wonderful photos.
AntwortenLöschen...Masha, I love the timber style building that you have, what would I wear is there wasn't 'D"enim, here 'D'ark attics are a thing from the past! Thanks for joining this week, take care and I hope that yoou have an enjoyable week ahead.
AntwortenLöschenThat is a great dark pic! Love denim and the doors are spectacular!