Dienstag, 6. August 2019


...man who is disappearing & he said it was a relief after all those years of trying to keep the pieces of his life in one place. Later on, I went to see him again & as I was leaving, he put a package in my hand. This is the last piece of my life, he said, take good care of it & then he smiled & was gone & the room filled with the sound of the wind & when I opened the package there was nothing there & I thought there must...

- storypeople -

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, your misty images and that church are treasures. Your collages are such lovely works of art and I thank you for sharing this week. I hope that you are having a special week.

  2. Oh, welche Vorausschau! Herbst!

  3. Absolutely marvelous! Thank you for these lovely photos and for sharing them at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/08/mmmmmmm.html


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