Montag, 9. Dezember 2019

Some humans ain't humans

Some humans ain't human, some people ain't kind
You open up their hearts, and here's what you'll find
A few frozen pizzas, some ice cubes with hair
A broken popsicle, you don't wanna go there

Some humans ain't human, though they walk like we do
They live and they breath, just to turn the old screw
They screw you when your sleepin', they try to screw you blind
Some humans ain't human, some people ain't kind

You might go to church, and sit down in a pew
Those humans who ain't human, be sitting right next to you
They talk about your family, they talk about your clothes
When they don't know their own ass, from there own elbows

Jealousy and stupidity, don't equal harmony
Jealousy and stupidity, don't equal harmony
uuum-huuum ummm-huuum...

Have you ever noticed, when you're feeling really good
There's always a pidgeon, that'll come shit on your hood
Or you're feeling your freedom, and the world's off your back
Some cowboy from taxas, starts his own war in iraq

Some humans ain't human, some people ain't kind
They lie through their teeth, with their head up their behind
You open up their hearts and here's what you'll find
Some humans ain't human, some people ain't kind
uuum-huuum ummm-huuum...

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. Great collages, this song was unknown to me. Wishing a pleasant week.

  2. Guten Morgen liebe Mascha,
    schön, dass es wieder etwas von Dir zu sehen gibt!
    Ganz liebe Grüße schicken Euch Wolfgang und Silke

  3. ...John Prine is the best of the best, this is one of his songs that is new to me. Thanks Masha pairing this tune with your wonderful collages. I hope that you are enjoying the Advent season.


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