Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020

Stand still

The loss is not yours alone,
she said & you will see it in their eyes
when they do not think you are watching.
How long does it take?
I said & she put her hand
on my chest & we did not speak.

- storypeople -

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

Comment form in on again, but, maybe, it has an unliked captcha, sorry.
(have trouble with SPAM)

7 Kommentare:

  1. Und nein, ich hatte keine Spam-Abfrage ...

    1. Du auch nicht? - Echt komisch!
      Danke für den Kommentar :)

  2. ...Masha, you post are always a treasure, your images and collages are a treat for the eyes. Thanks for the sharing and I hope that your spam problem is in your past.

  3. Fantastic collage art and photos, as always.


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